1st century

1st century1st century
  1. Around the 1st century BC , the territory of Rome experienced a quick and mass extension .


  2. Koguryo people in the 1st century BC to the seventh century began the middle of the active 700 years .


  3. You know , that time of the year when the wisdom of the 1st century poet Horace is adopted by news editors ,


  4. Sheath decorated with a scene of animals fighting , 1st century , wood , leather , gold , and turquoise .


  5. The 1st century historian Josephus Flavius described the tomb and Herod 's funeral procession .


  6. A steam engine of a sort had been devised by a Greek , Hero of Alexandria , in the 1st century AD , just before Ptolemy .


  7. The Greeks invented heating systems for public baths in the 1st century BC , but interestingly enough , many Greeks chose to continue bathing in cold water due to the health benefits .


  8. The author of On Sublime , a bright pearl in the history of aesthetics , is Longinus in the 3rd century rather than Longinus in the 1st century .


  9. With a history that dates back to the 1st century B.C. , the brand first impressed foreigners with its mellow aroma and smooth taste at the 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition .


  10. Following Zhang Qian 's embassy and report , commercial relations between China and Central as well as Western Asia flourished , as many Chinese missions were sent throughout the 1st century B.C , initiating the development of the Silk Road .


  11. These works of art display the creativity and imagination of a northern Andean culture that flourished from the 1st to the 8th century .


  12. The aging population will grow fast in the 1st half of this century according to the projection of UN . The proportion of aging population over 60 years old is going to 31.1 % , which means there will be 1 elderly among 3 people .
